Monday, October 25, 2010

The Jon-Erik Hexum Story (Plus Movie & HQ Pics)

27 years ago, Jon-Erik Hexum and Joan Collins starred in Aaron Spelling's "Making of a Male Model" - one of the most successful TV movies at the time. Sadly, just a year later, the young actor with a very promising career (who may have ended up playing Dynasty's Dex Dexter) lost his life on the set of CBS' "Cover Up."

Here is a collection of HQ photographs of the tragically deceased actor along with a couple of articles - one written in 1983 when he received immense exposure starring in the high-rated ABC movie and a year later when the tragic accident on the set of his action series cost him his life.

You can watch the movie "Making of a Male Model" in its entirety on YouTube by clicking HERE.


  1. Great Blog about Male Model, and some wonderful pics there! Love it! We put a link to it on our Jon-Erik Site,

  2. Nice Tribute to Jon-Erik. I love the HQ pictures you have! Thanks for posting. :)

  3. A pitty the movie isn't available anymore through Youtube... I saw it decades ago as a young teenager and would've loved watching it again after all those years...
